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A Yellow Raft in Blue Water: Thoughts(Book Blog #2)

The novel A Yellow Raft in Blue Water is a very heart grabbing book thus far into the read. Personally having a good relationship with my birth-giver is very important, my mom and i are very close and have a very strong loving bond. It makes me very sad to see Rayona, the main character deserted by her mother both at her Aunts house and when she visited the hospital. Christine, Rayona's mother, likes to get drunk and party other than caring for her family. Having little to no parental supervision in life can be very bad for the future of kids, they should be taught rights from wrongs and learn valuable knowledge about ho to grow up. Instead of being taught good things her mother is a very bad influence on her. Christine sees no where else to go when Aunt Ida refuses to let her stay and she abandons her daughter. Christine literally ran away with a stranger from her daughter, i could not even fathom being stranded in the middle of Montana by my mom and it makes me very sad. This book is very emotional and is a fairly good read so far.